Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two weeks now

Two weeks have gone since the holiday started. The second week was not that good. I have had a flu for a few days. The best day was Thursday where I went to learn golfing. I have learnt putting, chipping and driving club No. 3. It was fun and I met some new friends, too. That was a great day although the weather was very bad. When I was driving home from Sai Kung, the rain was so so heavy and really scared me. Within an hour, the rain warning turned from amber, red to black.
I have bought a pair of running shoes for Hei Hei, my nephew. I tried to encourage him to run so that first, he doesn't need to stay at home all day playing computer games and second, he can build his confidence and have a higher spirit. I will run with him whenever I have time. I hope he can have the endurance to develope this habit.

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