Monday, September 29, 2008

Attitude of learning English

In the book 'A Language Lover's Guide to English' by Siu Sir, "attitude" is the first thing mentioned.

There are five main points to remember, i) to increase English Language ability, one has to read more English books and watch more English TV programmes instead of spending too much time on practising past exam paper.

ii) Avoid using difficult vocabulary; grammatical structures; and wrong use of memorized idioms. When learning a new word, one must learn to use the word in the right situation and the meaning behind it.

iii) To develop the feeling of English, how? To develop such feeling in two months intensely, one must read English books for one to two hours every day. Find one interesting book that suits your level. Besides reading, one must write in English every day. Write what is in your mind. If it is difficult to think of a theme, just write a diary. The main point is to express yourself.

iv) One difficult part of learning English is the great amount of vocabulary in English. How to use the right word for the right genre. Just memorize thousands of words is not that helpful. One must read more, read different genres; think more and ask more.

v) English is everywhere, you can get leaflets from fast food shops, banks or the government department, etc. Don't just read from text books or comprehensions in supplementary exercise books. Reading a large various of material helps you improve writing different genres.