Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mamma Mia

Watched Mamma Mia last week. It was a very good movie. I enjoyed it very much. There were lots of music and lots of fun. Being nostalgic, listening to Abba's songs with the background story was a great pleasure . The whole movie was fun and enjoyable.

Meryl Streep, one of my favourite movie star, has a brilliant performance there. Her first movie I watched was 'Deer Hunter'. A woman of her age can still sing and dance like that is incredible. I wish I could 'move' like her when I were sixty years old :-)

Julie Walters (watched many movies and programmes of her),Colin Firth (my favourite star in Pride and Perjudice and Bridget Jones),Pierce Brosnan ( James Bond! YES! Like the other 'James Bond"- Sean Connery,they both increase their sex appeal when growing older) are all in the movie.

Watching the movie with my very old friend, Anissa, was great because we are of the same age ;-)

Oh! By the way, our three great Chinese astronauts set off to the space tonight!