Monday, October 6, 2008


Cats are not my favourite animals. Actually I don't like cats because I have been attacked by my cat when I was a kid. To me, cats are sneaky because their claws will attack you without warning. Cats' feces smell disgustingly. Cats look arrogant. (It is just my personal feeling. Don't be offended, cats' owners :-)

But tonight I met a fat cat which I loved at first sight. It looked almost like Garfield. It was so so lovely. Garfield is one of my favourite cartoon figures. I like Garfield comic because I think the story is philosophical sometimes.

This fat cat was in a pet shop. Not in a cage but walked freely in the shop. I took photos of him/her. S/he turned to the left when I was on the right. S/he turned to the right when I moved to the left. So so arrogant...... BUT cute :-) By looking at the photos, do you like him/her?

I still don't like cats very much, sorry!
