Saturday, September 27, 2008

St Catharine's 40th Anniversary Concert

What a wonderful night! The music, the songs, and the smile of everyone are still lingering in my mind. It started with the school hymn that I haven't sung with my school mates for a long long time. It was a beautiful hymn. It reminded me of my old days.
Mr Geoffery Weaver, who was our music teacher, came back from England and conducted the concert. The very old girls, the not very old girls and the very young girls (as Mr Weaver said ;-) ) performed fantastically. I wished I could sing and be one of them.

The whole concert was warm and joyful. The heart of all the girls, old and young, joined together in one. The entire evening showed the very strong spirit of St. Catharine. Although I have left school for such a long time, the spirit of St. Catharine is still amazingly persevered by our very young sisters. I am proud to be a St Catharine girl, old girl :-)

It was great to meet my old teachers, Ms Lau (Mrs Yee) and Ms Sin. I was happy to meet some of my old 'young' school mates, especially Meranda. Thank you, Ms Tsang (Mrs Yung) for inviting me to the concert. I will surely go to the next one on 6th October at St John Cathedral.