Friday, October 3, 2008


'Do not join any Halloween activities.' This is what our religious teacher told the students in the morning assembly. Do not play with the devil, evil, whatsoever.

Is this what Halloween is about? I don't think she has read anything about the history of Halloween. It is not about human playing with the devil but human mimicking the devil so as to avoid the damage from the devil.

Nowadays, people in most parts of the world celebrate Halloween for fun. In Hong Kong, the young people have fun in Halloween. How many of them know about its history? They just enjoy the excitement of being frightened. Ocean Park and Disneyland use Halloween for commercial purposes. The exact day of the Halloween is on 31st October. But the two competitors have already started their business for Halloween night. So, why treat Halloween so seriously? Why give wrong information to the youngsters just to stop them from joining the activities? Hope the religious people have a sense of humour.