Saturday, November 8, 2008

My sister's new Flat

My sister bought a new flat in Cityone today. She saw the flat in the afternoon and the deal was made within the same day. I hoped she had made the right choice. At this present moment, if you have extra money with you, I think to buy properties is the right choice. People do not feel secure putting money in a bank. Moreover, the interest rate is so low and the money 'will shrink' in the bank. Other ways of investment are no longer secure. So putting money in properties is the right time now.

Goodbye, Mr Wu

I heard a shocking news today that my former teacher, Mr Wu Tat Sung (he was a lab tech but I regarded him as my teacher) died in a traffic accident today :-(

The accident happened when he was riding his moterbike on Bride's pool Road near Chung Mei towards Sha Tau Kok. He lost control on his motorbike and swayed to the opposite lane while a car was coming towards him. He slid into the bottom of that car and was certified death half an hour later in hospital. What a tragic accident!

I remembered once he gave me a lift on his motorbike when I was at school. I was in the cycling club at school and we had an outing on the bikes one Saturday. After cycling with my school mates in Tai Po, he rode me back to Hunghom because we were in the same neighbourhood. He was very kind and that was my first chance on a motorbike. He was a good motor cyclist and I enjoyed the ride.

I regretted that I missed the chance of saying 'Hello' to him when I met him a few years ago at St. Catharine's.

Here I would like to send my condolences to his wife, Miranda Wu, my ex-teacher, for the loss of her beloved husband.

Mr Wu. I'll miss you forever.