Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting the Marathon stuff

I went to get my Marathon stuff in Victoria Park today. Watching people going into the line for the full Marathon or half Marathon, I felt jealous :-) I wish I could do it but I don't think so all because of my damaged knees. 10 km is enough. I do not worry about getting up at 4:00 in the morning next Saturday. I just worry about going to sleep at night. I wish I could be relax and sleep immediately when I go to bed :-) too excited, you know ;-)

When I was getting the stuff, a student called me. His name was C T Wong. I was very happy to see him. He was in my basketball team in LKYMS. He was a helper there wearing the boy scout uniform. He was still very shame. I remembered his mother was very caring and she watched her son play in every basketball match.