Thursday, May 14, 2009

A fresh meal

Always dream of having a garden where I can grow herbs and vegetables. And like Jammy Oliver taking plants from the garden for cooking.
When I stayed with a lady in Brighten one summer, I saw her taking 'jade green lettuce' from her garden for her sandwich for lunch. I was so JEALOUS (in a positive way). I really wish I could do that in my life.

Last weekend, there was a flower show at our shopping centre. I saw they sell Basil there. Then I bought a pot immediately. I put a couple of leaves into the mince beef to make burger in the evening. It smelt really nice. I felt great because I imagined I was in England going to the garden to get fresh plants for cooking ;-)
I am trying to take very good care of this plant so that my dream can last for a long time.

Lady and Gentle

A public lavatory in Tai Pei for "Lady and Gentle" :-)
Above is a public toilet at Fisherman Wharf in Tai Pei. A popular tourist spot where many people go.