Saturday, November 22, 2008


I can't remember the last time I have got a flu. I rarely get one but this one is a big one. I have taken two days sick leave. It is unusual for me too. As far as I remember, it is my first time to take two days off ever since I started my career.

I could feel phlegm in my throat first. I could have stopped it if I knew it would lead to a flu. Then I had a sore throat. I started to cough and I could not sleep well. I could feel my back bone aching. I felt fatique, fever and I had a runny rose.

I went to see the doctor that I have not seen for a long time. He realized that I had not see him for a long long time too. I went to see a doctor only because I need a letter for my sick leave. I would not go if I did not need one.

I nearly recover now. You know how good to be healthy only when you are suffering from a disease. Just like you know something is precious only when you lose it. At present, to be honest, I am not having a healthy life style. Every night I sleep about six hours which I do not feel long enough. To be like this for six weeks is too much for me. I feel like a rubber band which has been stretched and stretched and then breaks in the end.

I am looking forward to the Christmas holiday.