Saturday, October 4, 2008

China Free

'Sugar free, calorie free, caffeine free...China free' On 26th September, I have written about my favourite white rabbit creamy candy and Koala chocolate-filled biscuit which were tested positive for melamine .

One week later, melamine was found in products of Cadbury, Nestle, Mars, ... and plenty more. Countries such as Vietnam, the Philippine, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia... have found melamine in dairy products and biscuits. Every day there is the discovery of malemine in food. I worry, you worry, everybody worries if there is melamine in the food we are eating or have been eating. (I have a bottle of Nestle coffee mate in the cupboard that I don't know if I should throw it away or not)
Instead of spending time and money testing melamine, instead of worrying about if there is malemine in the food, people simply said why not just put 'China free' on the dairy product with the raw material not from China. The saying is sad, sarcastic but true :-(