Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ocean Park

In my memory, Ocean Park was a nice place to go to. And I used to like it very much. It changed my mind after being there today. I was quite disappointed and dissatisfied with it. Ocean Park used to have a high standard before. I used to go home after a happy day but today I did not.

First, a large area right in the middle of the park near the main entrance was under construction. From the cable car, you can see down below a big piece of mud that spoil your mood. I felt like being cheated because the price of the ticket was the same under such situation.
Second, the show at the Ocean Theatre was rubbish. You could only see the dolphin show and one or two sea lions imitating humans.
Third, the facilities there were so old now, especially the toilets. The price of the tickets were kept increasing but the facilities have not been improved.
Fourth, it was nice to let the elderly go in free of charge but it was not 'elderly-friendly'. You have to walk up steps almost everywhere. It is difficult for them.
I used to be proud of Ocean Park, a park that belongs to Hong Kong. It was professional with high standard but now..........