Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year!!!


Today was supposed to be cold and wet but I did not feel it. I went cycling with three of my colleagues. We had breakfast in Tai Wai. Then we started our 'long' journey at 11:00 am. We rode from Tai Wai to Tai Mei Tuk in Tai Po.

The best part of the trip was along Tolo Highway. The scenery was fantastic and the weather was perfect. It was an ideal day for cycling. We did not see many people on the way because most people were afraid of the cold weather. We took some photos on the way and we had fun taking some silly photos too. It reminded me of my good old days.

We had lunch in a small restaurant in Tai Mei Tuk. After lunch, one of my colleagues had to leave. The rest of us continued to ride along the dam of the Plover Cove Reservoir.

When I was cycling, I found many cyclists not obeying the rules. That could explain why there were so many accidents. Some ignorant people just stopped on the cycle path, chatting or talking on the phone. Some cycled with high speed on the opposite direction. I think these people should be educated to be responsible cyclists to avoid hurting innocent people.

I can't remember the last time I rode a bike. My thighs are so sore at the moment. I have not used this part of the muscle for so long. I think I will have a few more days to suffer :-)