Friday, June 5, 2009

A drawing by an autistic boy

This picture of the Japanese MTR routes was drawn by an autistic boy who can memorise every single detail of the whole system. Isn't it amazing?

The candlelight vigil

I joined the June-4's 20th candlelight vigil this year. I was not enthusiastic in the past few years. I used to think it was the job of the activists. This year I thought I could not stay quiet any more. There were a few reasons for me to come out. First, to pay homage to victims of the crackdown and to call for vindication of those who lost their lives. Second, as the focus of this year, to pass the message onto the future generations. The Tiananmen slaughter is not known much by the youngsters who were born after 1989. For political reasons, the crackdown was not mentioned much in the text books. The whole incident will be distorted if the youngster do not know the truth. Third, thanks to our Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, who wanted to represent me. I came out because I wanted to tell him he could not represent us.

I was happy to join the vigil because I could be one of the 150,000 people to light a candle. I was pleased to see the young students who stood up to lay a wreath on the stage. I was happy to see so many young people there. I was proud to be a Hongkonger and shamed to be a Chinese. Why our leaders cannot put down their pride to accept the guilt? Why the fallen and their family have still been suffering since 1989? Why the Chinese people still do not have freedom and democracy? The communists in Russia and Eastern Europe were knocked down and why not in Chinese? That's what I am shamed of.

This is the candle I lit.