Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I hate 'Road show'

If you want to lead a peaceful life, stay at home. I start to be disturbed by the public media early in the morning. When I get on the bus, I usually go up to the upper deck because it is not so crowded. I also like to enjoy a better view from the top window so going up becomes my habit. Unfortunately, I have to tolerate the noise from the roadshow. Some are not so noisy but some really reach an annoying level.

I look around the deck. Most of the passengers are sleeping or simply closing their eyes. I can hardly see anyone watching it. The first time to come across something may be interesting. But For a regular customer, watching the same thing day after day is like your brain being washed and your mind being controlled.

To avoid the noise, I have to use the noise to cover the noise. That is, I put my ear-plugs on to listen to the radio or MP3 to stop the irritating noise entering my ears. It is like an ostrich burying the head in the soil. What an enjoyable journey!

I have found out from my friend recently the sound is mute at the lower deck. I wonder why there are more passengers there. The fact is nobody like the roadshow, at least early in the morning. Then I asked why the driver did not turn it off. The answer is it is not allowed because the bus company is paid to do it.

There are roadshows on the bus and on the MTR. There are TV shows in restaurants or in fast food shops. There is even a huge TV screen with loud noise at the corner of the crossroads near where I am working.

Well! You can never win.