Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why can't teachers work happily?

I had a seminar yesterday morning. With a free afternoon, I went back to the school where I had been teaching for over ten years to visit my friends.

The first thing I saw was my old office. It has been changed into a language room. The room is newly and nicely decorated. It is completely different from the old one. There are no more desks but a few computers with high chairs for students to sit on to use the computers. A small stage for students to sit or stand on and a large 47" LCD TV for video meeting with the outsiders. The students are lucky to have a room like that for language purposes. BUT I MISSED MY OLD ROOM. I had lots of good memories there.

I met many of my old colleagues. They have been working very hard since the new principal came. When they saw me, they were very happy to talk to me. Actually not because of me personally, but because they seemed to find someone that understand their feelings. By talking to them, I could feel that there was a kind of grievance inside them. Everyone there was unhappy, not because they have to work hard. But because of ...... Why can't the teachers work happily? What is wrong with the school? I think the principal has the responsibility to deal with it seriously.