Monday, February 8, 2010

My first walk

I went hiking in the heavy rain and thunder storm yesterday. It was my first walk joining a hiking group. What a start! Will I carry on? YES.

The people in the group were nice and friendly. We talked and laughed all the way despite the terrible weather. It was my first time to meet them and I could feel warm and comfortable talking to them. Either I started the conversation or vise versa. They were from different nationalities and different walks of life. It was interesting listening to their walking experience. It was also interesting to talk to people with different jobs.

We took a taxi from Tsuen Wan MTR station to Pineapple Dam in Shing Mun Reservoir. It started to rain when we got off the taxi. It was raining heavily all the way. We were soaked in wet. I haven't had exercise for a long time. Walking in nearly four hours in the rain was not easy for me. My legs and knees were aching in the last hour. Our expected destination was Tai Po. Because of the bad weather, after walking down Needle Hill, we turned back to Tsuen Wan via the trail along the reservoir. We took a taxi down to Tsuen Wan and I changed a bus home. Walking back home after getting off the bus was the hardest part of the journey for me. I felt so cold and my legs were aching so much. However, after a hot shower, I felt good again:-)

Walking past Shing Mun Country Park, we saw a bunch of monkeys attacking a group of teenagers. The monkeys occupied their territory ( the picnic area) and seized their food. It was frightening seeing the monkeys which reminded me of our school picnic last year.