Sunday, February 8, 2009

Marathon 2009

The Marathon 2009 was held today at last. I have been waiting for it. I woke up early in the morning at about 4:10. It was difficult to get up because I could not sleep well last night. I went down to the bus stop at about 4:35 but had to wait until 5:05 when the bus arrived. Just about time to begin when I reached there. The first half of the route was easy. It took me half an hour to reach the turning point. But the next half was more difficult because more up hills to go. I could run all the way without walking. I felt happy about it :-) I was a little bit faster than last time but still not too happy with the result. I thought I could finish it ten minutes faster than last time but it was only one minute faster I believed. My two knees are aching now :-(
After the ten kilometres run was the half marathon. I was admired those runners for running such a long distance. I don't think I can do it because my knees won't let me :-(
Although it was a tiring run (for me ), I was happy to be there and felt the atmosphere. It was like a big carnival in Victoria Park.

Dragon invaded a Chinese restaurant

When I was having Yum Cha in a Chinese restaurant yesterday, a dragon danced in. The boys were greeting the customers Happy Chinese New Year and asking for lai see at the same time. Everybody seemed happy about it.