Saturday, November 1, 2008

Parents' sharing day

About twenty parents of my class came to the school to share the new experience of their kids in the last two months. In my class, students have various learning difficulties such as autism, hyperactive, attention deficit, dyslexia, speech impediment, low IQ and others.

Parents talked about the changes of their kids since they entered this school. Most parents are happy that their kids enjoy their school life much more than in primary school. And most importantly, their kids show confidence in learning and do their homework actively. It is pleasing and encouraging to hear that.

The students in my class, because of their individual difficulties, lagged behind others in their primary schooling. The demanding syllabus of a normal primary school destroyed their confidence in learning. Their shortcomings kept their friends away. Some have been bullied physically or verbally by school mates or even their teachers who did not understand them. It tells from their behaviour and reaction to different situations currently.

Yesterday's meeting makes me oppose to inclusive education more. To a certain extent, both normal and abnormal kids cannot be benefited from it. Inclusive education is just an excuse of the government to save money. It may be good only if it is carried out properly.