Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Taipei MRT

We got on the Taipei MRT, found two seats by the door and sat down. After sitting down, I noticed a poster on the compartment wall saying "Please yield your seat to elderly, pregnant, disabled or baby-holding passengers" I looked at our seats, the colour is different from the others. They were dark blue and the rest were light blue. Then we immediately moved to the light seats. I started watching passengers on the train. They either gave the seat to those in need or just stood up and left the seat empty. I liked this practice.
Besides the notice on the compartment, there was also an announcement from time to time to remind passengers to give seats. It not only ensured the needed to have seats but was also a good civic education for the youngsters.
The second thing I noticed was another poster about the equitette of using a mobile phone. It tells people to talk softly, not to talk long and use text messages instead of talking. I saw less than five passengers using mobile phones in those four days on the MRT. Even when they were using it, they talked softly.
The third thing I noticed was the patience of the passengers, they did not jump in the queue when they were going up and down the elevator. Those on the left were all walking up or down, they would never stand still and block the others. They would choose to stand on the right if they didn't want to walk.
Why not Hong Kong people do the same? What happens to our government? In Hong Kong, fighting for seats, talking loudly on the mobile phone, standing on the left side of the escalator and jumping in queue are very common phenomenons in the MTR area. I think our government should do something about it. We should not be so selfish. We should care about the others. Even in Shenzhen, giving seats can be seen every minute on the train. How can't Hong Kong people do this.