Friday, March 20, 2009

A moment of solitude

Every morning, while I was getting down the lift, I put my ear plugs on. I started listening to the radio while I was hurrying to the bus stop. I seemed to treasure every minute listening to the news or any information before I started to work. When I was walking, I only noticed the traffic light on the main road and estimated the steps I walk to match the green light when started crossing the road so that I would not waste time waiting on the pavement.

This morning was different. I had enough time to slow down to the bus stop. I was sick of listening to the radio so I did not put on the ear phone. This changing of habit drew my attention to something I had never noticed in the past few years. That was the chirping of the birds in the trees. The sound made me feel so comfortable. I then concentrated on the sound they made. I discovered the chirping noise came from a few different birds. Some were higher in pitch and some were lower. Some were longer and some were shorter. But one thing I noticed was that they were talking to one another. There were communications among themselves.

You might laugh at me by being dumb. This was not the first time I heard birds sing and not the first time I heard different pitches either. But this was the first time I really felt lucky of being there. This first time I felt lucky of having a route with trees around. I was grateful of having a short and quiet walk in the morning where there were trees and birds. I was surprised that I did not notice how lucky I was to have the beautiful nature surrounding me. A short moment of solitude would change my habit of walking to the bus stop :-)

We seldom notice tiny things around us as we follow the same routine day after day. A moment of solitude may more or less change the way we are living.