Friday, October 24, 2008

Free congee Vs fruit money

Believe it or not! An owner of a 'Tai Pai Dong' in Oi Man Estate gives free congee and stuff to the old people every morning from Monday to Friday. What a nice piece of news that cheers me up. The owner is, no doubt, a very kind man. He is happy to see the happiness on the faces of the elderly while they are eating. He had been helped by others when he was in a difficult situation. Now he can afford to contribute to society and he does it. He is not rich like Lee Ka Sing. He had just won a prize and used the money to help the poor. He sets an example to those who are wealth off. Hope there are some rich people follow his generous virtue so that more poor elderly can benefit from it.

Donald Tsang finally declared to postpone the means test for new applicants of the old age allowance and the allowance would be raised to $1000. In his announcement, I could feel his arrogance attitude. He claims that emotional choice overwhelms rational analysis. Although he accepts the will of the majority of society, he still thinks that the decision is not right. He makes the excuse that the government needs to concentrate on fighting against the financial tsunami instead of arguing about the 'fruit money'. It seems that Mad Dog's bananas work :-)