Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's sad but true

Just click on the following web site. It is sad but true about Hong Kong's future. (it is in Chinese version)

My nephew, Martin

My brother took his son, Martin, to the golf course where he works on 'Take your kid to work day'. This day was originated in the United States where employees invite his/her prepubescent-aged girl to spend a day in their workplace. The aim is to expose the girls to various career opportunities. The programme was expanded in 2003 to include boys. The source is from WiKipedia.

Martin is 15 years now. He was born in Canada and has been living there ever since. I have met him twice. One when he was about three years old and another one when he was about nine, I think. Time really flies. He is a big boy now. I am looking forward to seeing him again.

Feeling cooler

Today is the first day to feel cooler in this season. It is about time to feel cooler. The temperature is about 20 degrees C. On earth, the temperature increases each year because of global warming.

I like the weather in Hong Kong because we can experience all the four seasons in a year. And again, autumn is my favourite season :-)