Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The US election day

Today is the Election Day of the USA. The two candidates are John McCain and Barack Obama.

Quoting from CNN.com : "It is one of the most historical election of the USA.Democrat Barack Obama could become the first African-American president. Republican John McCain could become the oldest president elected to a first term. Sarah Palin could become the first woman elected vice president."

No matter what the result is, it is an interesting election. And at this very moment, Obama is leading the vote.

For me, there is not much choice, I would choose Obama instead of McCain. McCain is too old and not outstanding. Palin is a joke who causes McCain to fail. People worried if McCain dies, Palin will replace him. That's one of the main points McCain will fail. People vote Obama only because they want to change. They don't want another George W. Bush. The only reason I would choose Obama because he is younger :-(

What happens to the American? Where are the bright people in America? Why these two are the only choices?