Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two weeks now

Two weeks have gone since the holiday started. The second week was not that good. I have had a flu for a few days. The best day was Thursday where I went to learn golfing. I have learnt putting, chipping and driving club No. 3. It was fun and I met some new friends, too. That was a great day although the weather was very bad. When I was driving home from Sai Kung, the rain was so so heavy and really scared me. Within an hour, the rain warning turned from amber, red to black.
I have bought a pair of running shoes for Hei Hei, my nephew. I tried to encourage him to run so that first, he doesn't need to stay at home all day playing computer games and second, he can build his confidence and have a higher spirit. I will run with him whenever I have time. I hope he can have the endurance to develope this habit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

One week already

It has been a week since the summer holiday started. I have not wasted the first week to conclude. I have cycled three times to Ma On Shan, doing sit-up every day, walking and running, playing tennis with Lai Lai and exercise with Wii. Not bad at all :-) Unfortunately, I haven't swum at all since the holiday. I would do it maybe the week after. Next week I'll be busy, on duty, have body check and play golf.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cycled to Ma On Shan

Pat Sin Range at the back
I cycled to Ma On Shan and back in the evening, it was great. I cycled from the floating restaurant to Wu Kai Sha and back. The route is easy, not many ups and downs. It is good for beginners, families and older people. If you want a harder route, take the one along Tolo Highway to Tai Po.

I began to cycle at about 6.20 pm in the evening. The sun was going down. When I returned, the sun has already gone but it was still bright. The promenade along Ma On Shan is very nice. It has a beautiful scenery. You can also see the Chinese University and Pat Sin Range on the opposite side.The walking path is very wide. It is separated from the cycle path. In between, you can find the children's playground. If you want a leisure ride and enjoy the view, I recommend you this route.
I might run all the way there one day :-)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What I did on the first day

Walked past Sha Tin Sports Ground, I decided to go in and have a walk. I have walked and run leisurely for 2000 metres to help my food digest. It was great. Not many people in the sports ground, it was only about ten. I think it is a waste to turn on the lights and serve such few people. The government should do something to encourage people making use of the facilities.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I am FREE!

Hot Hot Hot!
Today is the first day of my summer holiday, yeah!

Every year I had a good plan at the beginning of the holiday but at the end of the holiday, I seemed had done nothing :-) So this year, I have no plan :-) I think I will have a relaxing holiday instead.