Monday, March 8, 2010

Another rainy hiking day

Yesterday was my second day hiking with the Roz Hiking Group. rained again. Fortunately it was not as heavy as the last time. Comparatively, the weather was much better.

We took a 9:40am ferry to Lantau Island. Took a bus to somewhere near Tong Fook. Got off, walked up a small path towards Tai O. It was raining from time to time. The rain was not heavy but it was very foggy. Very low invisibility, You could not see much close by. The journey was not difficult, however, I met the most terrible part which I had walked before - a very steep downhill. My hurting knees were killing me. They were so painfull. The downhill was long. It was a torture all the way down and it was a release when I reached the flat ground.
This time we had eight people together. Beside, Vicky, Amenda and John, I met some new friends, three from Taiwan, one from Australia and one from Malaysia. Emma, the Australian lady, has a very easy going personality. Sunny, a Taiwanese lady who is teaching Arts in Baptist University. I liked to talk to them and found them nice and friendly. I enjoyed the walk and meeting the new friends.

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