Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pollution Index

Yesterday the pollution index in many parts of Hong Kong were at 500. It was shocking when I heard it from the radio on the way home. Couldn't believe I was standing at the bus stop in North Point with such a high index. When I went back to Shatin, I could not stop coughing because of the uncomfortable throat. I have never experienced it before. It was unbelievable!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A tough hiking

It was the toughest hiking I have ever experienced. Yesterday I went with some youngsters who came from Finland and Germany to Tuen Mun hiking. We were led by an ex-soldier from Finland who was an expert on hiking.

We walked to the top of that hill.
We climbed over the fence where it had a sign "No unauthorised entry":-) Our leader climbed inside first.

Walking up there was not too tough compared to going down.
We reached the top!
Having lunch in the pergola.

The background is the firing range.
Very army look, the building was painted with army camouflage.
Bird eye-view from the top. Below is Tuen Mun New Town, Just like a concrete jungle.
View of the other side.
Walking down this hill was very difficult. Too much sand there and it was so slippery that sometimes I had to slide down.

We took a ten minutes' break here.
This kind of rockets are everywhere.

Looked back from where we had been walking.

No more pictures after this point because I was exhausted. I could hardly walk and I know there was more than an hour to walk. We walked to a small stream and had another rest. I was totally lack of energy. I had never been so tired at all. It was difficult to move a step. I know I had to move because there were no other alternatives.
Among us, there were four from Finland, one from German, one from Eastern Europe, one Enlishman and one Hongkonger (that's me). Most of them were young, between twenty to thirty. I felt that I was lucky having companions like this group. They were friendly and helpful. One of the Finland girl who was studying Sports at Baptist University. We had a few chat on the way.
One girl I must mention was the East European girl who was my guarding angel. When I felt exhausted and hungry, she gave me a banana. Without it, I could not carry on. She was walking behind me and gave me a helping hand when necessary. I felt graceful. I didn't want to be a burden of the group. With the walking stick from the leader, I struggled and struggled and I reached the village where we finished the journey at last. Also with the walking stick, the first time I felt I am really getting old :-(
Maybe because they had German or Finn name, it was difficult for me to remember their name. Only remembered Rebecca who gave me some water.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another rainy hiking day

Yesterday was my second day hiking with the Roz Hiking Group. And...it rained again. Fortunately it was not as heavy as the last time. Comparatively, the weather was much better.

We took a 9:40am ferry to Lantau Island. Took a bus to somewhere near Tong Fook. Got off, walked up a small path towards Tai O. It was raining from time to time. The rain was not heavy but it was very foggy. Very low invisibility, You could not see much close by. The journey was not difficult, however, I met the most terrible part which I had walked before - a very steep downhill. My hurting knees were killing me. They were so painfull. The downhill was long. It was a torture all the way down and it was a release when I reached the flat ground.
This time we had eight people together. Beside, Vicky, Amenda and John, I met some new friends, three from Taiwan, one from Australia and one from Malaysia. Emma, the Australian lady, has a very easy going personality. Sunny, a Taiwanese lady who is teaching Arts in Baptist University. I liked to talk to them and found them nice and friendly. I enjoyed the walk and meeting the new friends.

Two weeks' difference

On 20th February, 2010
On 7th March, 2010

'Our tree' - that is the tree growing next to my block. We called it our tree since a typhoon attacked it many years ago. The wind blew the roots up. I thought it would die but after the care of the gardener, the tree grew strong and healthy again. The tree never leaves us so we call us 'our tree' :-)
Exactly two weeks ago, strong winds blew most of the leaves off the tree within one day. When I walked past the path, I seemed like walking on a carpet of leaves. On 7th March, I walked past it again and I was shocked to see that the tree was full of green leaves. It was like magic and unbelievable. Take a look at the two pictures.
That is spring.