Monday, May 24, 2010

Wii - again

I love playing golf in Wii Resort. It is very similar to the real game. In which ways...? Not the strength, for sure, nor the real phsical landscape. Of course, real golfers will strongly disagree. What I mean similar is that if you have a slight mistake, it affects the result greatly. That's what fascinating about golf. If you have done well in the Wii, you will be awarded 'the replay'.

Watch my 'chip-in' :-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Is there such thing as "Nutrition Labelling Exempted" on the package of the food sold in Hong Kong? This is my first time to see it. Why is it exempted? What makes it exempted? Who gives the company authority to do it? Is it legal? Can someone explain it to me?

I bought it two days ago in a shop. Before I put it in my mouth, I tried to see if there was any trans fat. I could not find it but the below sticker.