Sunday, November 29, 2009

A voluntary work

The first guest in the conference
On Saturday, I worked as a volunteer in a health conference for the Centre of Research and Promotion of Women's Health which was organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The venue is at the Prince of Wales Hospital.

The work was simple and easy. In the morning, I helped put small gifts into plastic bags for the guests. In the afternoon, I helped served the guests when they arrived.

I have not been a volunteer for quite a long time. That was a job that I had never done before. Although it was simple, it was meaningful. I enjoyed being a helper there. The people I worked with were completely different from my own field. It gave me a good opportunity to talk to people in different walks of life. I am not an outgoing person. I think I need this kind of training - talking and working with strangers :-) I think I will do it again when I have the chance in future.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


That was the lorry in front

A lorry stopped right in front of my bus at a traffic tonight. I was sitting at the front and saw the company name at the back of the lorry. Boy! Are someone playing tricks on words or what is happening in Hong Kong?

Monday, November 16, 2009


It's getting cold tonight. According to the Observatory, the temperature will be 12 degrees C tomorrow morning. The low temperature will last for a week. Well, to experience the first cold weather of the year, why not?

Friday, November 13, 2009

School Picnic

A photo with my colleague, Ms Ma

Had our School Picnic on a 'black Friday', thanked God everything was OK. The best thing today was the walk around Aberdeen Reservoir. Autumn is always my most favourite season and today is a typical Autumn day. High blue sky with breeze around, it was fantastic. The worst thing was eaten the barbeque food the students fired for me, charcoal outside and uncooked inside. Don't want to discourage them but to say the food was good. What a white lie! Felt a bit of stomach ache when I reached home.

It is a pity there are too many meetings after school, too much non-teaching duties. I can hardly squeeze some time out to know the students or chat with them. Today, at last, I could spend a day with them. But it is not enough, I wish I could stay with them more at school instead of wasting time having stupid meetings, doing stupid non-teaching work and discussing nonsense matter.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hong Kong 'at last'

What made me write again after being lazy for more than a month? It's the picture above. It's what I saw today in the MTR. I remembered this Easter when we went to Taiwan, something impressed me when I stepped on the train was the seats for the needed people. I felt sad why Hong Kong did not have this service for those needed. Now I am happy to see it. At least, I won't feel shamed being a Hongkonger.

One more thing the MTR needs to do is to put a poster up telling people how to use the mobile phone like the one in Taiwan. I don't mind following others as long as it is for our good sake.