Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't laugh at the signs in China

In my old posts, I have laughed at the signs in mainland China. After 1997, Hong Kong is getting closer to her mother land in some way - English standard. I saw this sign on the wall of a club house of a private housing estate in Hong Kong. Pay attention to the English version.

In the dictionary: 'beware' means to be wary of, or cautious of...

Examples such as: beware of the dog; beware of his waspish wit; beware of the icy patches on the road; or in Hong Kong, we always see 'beware of pickpockets', on the bus.

I don't see why we have to 'beware of our own property' Will our own property attacks us or harm us? :-)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A new 'era' - no plastic bags

Starts from today, if we go to the supermarkets or chain stores, we have to bring our own shopping bags. If not, we will be charged 50 cents for each bag. I support protecting the environment. I am not very very keen on protecting the environment I admitted, but to a certain extent, I am.

I don't like the idea of taking our own bags to shop because I can reuse the plastic bags from the supermarket for putting rubbish in. I always ask,'What do people use to put their rubbish?' If people do not have plastic bags from the supermarket, they will buy plastic rubbish bags.

So, that is my point. I use plastic bags from the supermarket at least I can reuse them. If I don't have plastic bags from the supermarket, I have to buy plastic bags for only one purpose - to put rubbish in. In this case, we are not protecting the environment by fulfilling the demand of one of the 4 R's of Recycling - reuse. Can somebody work it out for me?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Being nostalgic

The other day I went past Yaumatei area and saw a police station very familiar to me. It seemed I had walked past the front door before. It must have happened long long time ago when I was very small.

Do you recognise this place?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


At 6 o'clock in the morning on 1st July, 1997, there came a scene that would never fade out from my mind. It was raining, the invisibility was very low. An army truck was driving towards me. It was close but not clear. On the truck there were two lines of Chinese Army standing by the sides with their hands holding on the bars. I couldn't see their face clearly but I was sure there was
no facial expressions. It was a sad and unwelcome scene to me. The first group of Chinese Army started to move to Hong Kong from China on the first day of the handover.

This afternoon I joined the 7.1 rally. When I was walking, there was something on my mind. If someone asked me what I walked for, what would be my answer? Yeah, what did I walk for? I did not belong to any group particularly. I walked because I was not happy about the ruling of the SAR on the whole. I walked because I was not happy these twelve years. The government is 'shit' and it has been running by a bunch of incapable idiots with dumb minds. Donald Tsang is a joke. That was why I walked.