Saturday, March 21, 2009

East meets West

Haagen-Dazs & Tou Fu Far

I don't think this Tou Fu shop will last very long!

Very expensive ice-cream scoops

Friday, March 20, 2009

A moment of solitude

Every morning, while I was getting down the lift, I put my ear plugs on. I started listening to the radio while I was hurrying to the bus stop. I seemed to treasure every minute listening to the news or any information before I started to work. When I was walking, I only noticed the traffic light on the main road and estimated the steps I walk to match the green light when started crossing the road so that I would not waste time waiting on the pavement.

This morning was different. I had enough time to slow down to the bus stop. I was sick of listening to the radio so I did not put on the ear phone. This changing of habit drew my attention to something I had never noticed in the past few years. That was the chirping of the birds in the trees. The sound made me feel so comfortable. I then concentrated on the sound they made. I discovered the chirping noise came from a few different birds. Some were higher in pitch and some were lower. Some were longer and some were shorter. But one thing I noticed was that they were talking to one another. There were communications among themselves.

You might laugh at me by being dumb. This was not the first time I heard birds sing and not the first time I heard different pitches either. But this was the first time I really felt lucky of being there. This first time I felt lucky of having a route with trees around. I was grateful of having a short and quiet walk in the morning where there were trees and birds. I was surprised that I did not notice how lucky I was to have the beautiful nature surrounding me. A short moment of solitude would change my habit of walking to the bus stop :-)

We seldom notice tiny things around us as we follow the same routine day after day. A moment of solitude may more or less change the way we are living.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today is the 1st of March, spring has arrived already. For me, it is the most unwelcome season. I don't like spring because it is very humid. When you look out of the windows, what you can see is the thick fog. It has very low invisibility. It is miserable and affect people's mood. The changing weather confuse you of what to wear. You might catch cold if you do not put enough clothes. You might feel hot if you wear too much clothes. For old people, the humid weather is dangerous. The floor is so slippery that the elderly would easily fall down. It could be serious if an elderly falls down.

Some people might disagree with me. Lovers like spring because they can walk together in the rain under one umbrella. How romantic! :-) Nature lovers also like spring because it represents the growth of new lives. Leaves grow on trees again. Dry grass turn into green. They make a beautiful scenery. I agree.

What about you?