Monday, October 27, 2008

Hang Seng Index is diving

The Hang Seng Index drops 1600 points today. I was scared when I heard about it today. I haven't bought any shares. 'But why are you scared?' you will ask. I am scared because I worry about the consequences of the falling of the market. I worry about the stability of society. Big companies keep closing down. People keep losing their jobs. Crimes and suicidal rates will increase. There will be lots of family problems, too. What is the government going to do? Let's see!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


My first article in this blog is about typhoon. And the weather I love most is here now. I am happy autumn has arrived. It is my favourite season of the year. I love the weather in Autumn in Hong Kong. The temperature is around 25°C (it is higher in the afternoon). There is a bigger chance to see the blue sky. It is cool both in the morning and the evening. It is not that cold like winter and not that hot like summer. It is also the best weather to go hiking or running. However, good things never last long. Autumn is the shortest season of the year here.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Free congee Vs fruit money

Believe it or not! An owner of a 'Tai Pai Dong' in Oi Man Estate gives free congee and stuff to the old people every morning from Monday to Friday. What a nice piece of news that cheers me up. The owner is, no doubt, a very kind man. He is happy to see the happiness on the faces of the elderly while they are eating. He had been helped by others when he was in a difficult situation. Now he can afford to contribute to society and he does it. He is not rich like Lee Ka Sing. He had just won a prize and used the money to help the poor. He sets an example to those who are wealth off. Hope there are some rich people follow his generous virtue so that more poor elderly can benefit from it.

Donald Tsang finally declared to postpone the means test for new applicants of the old age allowance and the allowance would be raised to $1000. In his announcement, I could feel his arrogance attitude. He claims that emotional choice overwhelms rational analysis. Although he accepts the will of the majority of society, he still thinks that the decision is not right. He makes the excuse that the government needs to concentrate on fighting against the financial tsunami instead of arguing about the 'fruit money'. It seems that Mad Dog's bananas work :-)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

HongKongers never feel bored

There is bad news everyday. People in Hong Kong worry about when the bad luck comes to them. Since the malemine was found in the milk in China, we are alert of any new found malemine on food. It gives you surprise from time to time. You don't know when there is malemine found in the food you always eat. Now eating in the Chinese restaurants is another threat after the discovery of malemine in the sponge cake.

Then followed the Lehman Brother's derivatives. Thousands of 'victim' lost a great amount of money. Then the close down of U-right and Tai Lin. Now what, the Citic Pacific shares dive 55 percent. If you have bought the shares, you will lose a lot of money. The whole chain of unhappy events, one follows the other. It involves the rich and the poor. The rich lose money while the poor lose their jobs. Everybody is in danger. Everybody worries when the misfortune will come to them. The financial tsunami has started in the USA and it is spreading out rapidly, to Europe, to Asia. You will not feel bored because there are surprises day after day.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Credit card Vs Cash

Tai Lin Radio Services - one of the oldest appliance chains, closed down amid the financial turmoil. Those who had ordered electrical appliances worried that they could not get their deposit back. According to the Consumer Council, the deal can be terminated if you paid by credit card. But if you paid in cash, you cannot get the money back.

To be safe, it is better to pay deposits by credit card. If you are asked to pay in cash only, there must be something wrong with the shop.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Settlement of minibonds

'The first Hong Kong investors in Lehman-linked derivatives reached a settlement with a bank...' it was quoted from the SCMP today. The first investors are an 84-year-old woman and her mentally ill son. According to the younger brother of the family, the sales person in the bank had already known his brother was mentally ill. I am not interested in Lehman Brothers minibonds. I just hate someone who cheat people especially the weak for a living.

This incident reminds me of the crafty sale people who sell insurance. I always receive call from people selling insurance. They tell you how good the insurance is for you. They try to persuade you buying the insurance before you put the phone down. If you want to see the black and write first, they insist on convincing you to agree on the phone before they mail you the agreement. They say if you do not like it, you can withdraw it in seven days. Once you receive the agreement, they will make sure you keep it.

If you ask them to mail you the terms and agreement before you make the decision, it is impossible. Do not buy anything on the phone. It may not always be what you want. Do not be tempted by any kinds of privileges they offer you. Just to say 'no' if you do not want it and be firm. If they are confident in their product, they should not be afraid to let people see the terms first.

Be a smart consumer :-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More about autism

In my last post, I mentioned six characteristics of autistic children that I noticed. Here there are a few more, vii) autistic children are sensitive to sound, they are allergic to loud voice or high pitch. E.g. One boy hates songs, he covers his ears with his hands, closes his eyes and feels extremely anxious whenever people are singing hymns during the assembly; viii) some write very neatly and some write in very big letters or Chinese characters; ix) they always show gestures of different patterns, moving their fingers is an obvious example (like the boy in 'Shining').

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have quite a few students who are autistic or having autistic features. They are lovely kids and living in their own world sometimes. Most of them are good looking children. There are more autistic boys than girls.

The common characteristics found in them are i) they are insistent, once something is stored in their memories, it is very hard to delete especially their unhappy experience, ii) they have their own routine, e.g. walking in circle on their own in the playground during recess or lunch time. You can see that they are enjoying it, iii) some are very good at drawing, once they saw something they are particularly interested, they can draw it precisely on a paper, e.g. the routes of the MTR or the setting of a particular room, iv) they say to you the same thing every time they see you, they won't go away if you do not give any response. But whatever response you give, it won't bother them :-)
v) they are not adaptable to changes, once there was a girl sticking to her seat when she was asked to go to another classroom, vi) some have never smiled in their lives. These are some of the characteristics of the children with autism.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hong Kong is beautiful

These are pictures I took on the way home and work. I took them on the bus on different days with my mobile phone. The first one shows a day without pollution and the second one is at sunset.
To those people in Hong Kong who are unhappy now, think of the good side and tomorrow will be beautiful.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Some much is happening in the world at present. Malemine in China, victims of the Lehman Brothers minibonds in Hong Kong, coup in Thailand, stock markets drop in the whole world... Most are negative news to us. A lot of people are unhappy due to different circumstances. It seems the world is impaired.

People are affected by such difficult situations. They are unhappy, depress, feeling hopeless, do not trust each other... Some people are full of hatred, anger and distrust. It seems unhappy people overwhelm the happy ones. In Hong Kong, you can see crazy people everywhere. Some are murmuring in public, some are shouting at people, some kill someone and some kill no one but themselves.

What would you do when you feel unhappy? To sing a song? To watch a comedy? To go shopping? To talk to people? To have a drink? To go for a walk? To scream over the ocean? Find a way that suits you. There must be one way to alleviate the hardship.

Don't worry, be HAPPY!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hong Kong Standard Chartered Marathon

The Hong Kong Standard Chartered Marathon 2009 will be held on 8th February, 2009. The online registration is available now.

I have taken part in the 10 km for once in my life (2007). I quite enjoyed the run although I had not prepared for it properly. Actually I was proud of myself because that was the longest run I had ever had and I could finish the route without stopping or walking. I could have done it when I was much younger if I had not made myself too many excuses.

My one and only one 10 km was quite an experience. I went there with my very good friend. It was the last time running through the western harbour tunnel for 10 km. People complained about it but I thought it was quite alright. No one can run through the tunnel except for special functions. Maybe it is interesting running through the tunnel for one time only. If I had to run every year, I would complain about it as well. Another special experience about it was waking up at four in the morning. Walked to the train station in the dark. Saw people waiting at the train station having the same purpose and going to the same destination. On the way to Tsim Sha Tsui, you could see all the people in sports wear, standing or sitting without making a noise in the compartment.

Last year I accompanied my nephew (in the photo) to the race. I could not run because I found something wrong with my heart. I dared not take risk because I didn't want to drop dead on the way :-) We went to Tin Hau last time because the route had been changed to the Eastern Corridor. I think it is a better route because it has a better view and there is not too much 'up and down'. And the air is fresh compare to the tunnel. I was proud of my nephew too because he was running on his own and that was the first time he ran. (And his time was better than mine, of course, he is much much younger)

I am going to take part in this year marathon. ( I do not have a heart problem, just my stomach, after consulting the doctor) And I am going to prepare for it in a more proper way. At least go running more regularly in the evening. I hope I will not be too tired after work during the week. ( or don't make it as an excuse :-)) I think after regular training, I can at least run 10 minutes faster than last time. That is my aim of the coming 10 km.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Cats are not my favourite animals. Actually I don't like cats because I have been attacked by my cat when I was a kid. To me, cats are sneaky because their claws will attack you without warning. Cats' feces smell disgustingly. Cats look arrogant. (It is just my personal feeling. Don't be offended, cats' owners :-)

But tonight I met a fat cat which I loved at first sight. It looked almost like Garfield. It was so so lovely. Garfield is one of my favourite cartoon figures. I like Garfield comic because I think the story is philosophical sometimes.

This fat cat was in a pet shop. Not in a cage but walked freely in the shop. I took photos of him/her. S/he turned to the left when I was on the right. S/he turned to the right when I moved to the left. So so arrogant...... BUT cute :-) By looking at the photos, do you like him/her?

I still don't like cats very much, sorry!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

China Free

'Sugar free, calorie free, caffeine free...China free' On 26th September, I have written about my favourite white rabbit creamy candy and Koala chocolate-filled biscuit which were tested positive for melamine .

One week later, melamine was found in products of Cadbury, Nestle, Mars, ... and plenty more. Countries such as Vietnam, the Philippine, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia... have found melamine in dairy products and biscuits. Every day there is the discovery of malemine in food. I worry, you worry, everybody worries if there is melamine in the food we are eating or have been eating. (I have a bottle of Nestle coffee mate in the cupboard that I don't know if I should throw it away or not)
Instead of spending time and money testing melamine, instead of worrying about if there is malemine in the food, people simply said why not just put 'China free' on the dairy product with the raw material not from China. The saying is sad, sarcastic but true :-(

Friday, October 3, 2008


'Do not join any Halloween activities.' This is what our religious teacher told the students in the morning assembly. Do not play with the devil, evil, whatsoever.

Is this what Halloween is about? I don't think she has read anything about the history of Halloween. It is not about human playing with the devil but human mimicking the devil so as to avoid the damage from the devil.

Nowadays, people in most parts of the world celebrate Halloween for fun. In Hong Kong, the young people have fun in Halloween. How many of them know about its history? They just enjoy the excitement of being frightened. Ocean Park and Disneyland use Halloween for commercial purposes. The exact day of the Halloween is on 31st October. But the two competitors have already started their business for Halloween night. So, why treat Halloween so seriously? Why give wrong information to the youngsters just to stop them from joining the activities? Hope the religious people have a sense of humour.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1st October

Went to watch the fireworks tonight. Had fish & chips in Central first. Walked along the 'Ladder Street' feeling nostalgic :-) Then walked down the pier next to the Star Ferry. Didn't enjoy much of the fireworks because i) could not stay close to the pier, ii) too far from Wah Chai, and iii) too polluted tonight. Within the 23 minutes' display, could not hear too much 'WAAAAAAAH!' around. Nobody clapped in the end, just the sound of 'HUUUUUUUURRRR' and the polluted air left behind.
